
Jack Shitama

I show faith-based leaders how to be a non-anxious presence, personally and professionally.

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Two for Tuesday - Know Your Goals and Values

Hi Reader,Another week, another Tuesday. This week I reflect on the fact that knowing your goals and values doesn't happen automatically. I hope you find it helpful. Also, if you're interested in learning more about my Positive Intelligence Coaching Program, join me for a free information session tomorrow, Wednesday, September 18 at 5pm EDT. Know Your Goals and Values Photo: donskarpo - yayimages Read on the Blog Stephen Covey coined the term “Integrity in the Moment of Choice,” which is...

Hi Reader,Happy Tuesday non-anxious one. You might know there is a presidential debate tonight in the US. It got me thinking about a blog post I wrote a few years ago. I hope you find it helpful. Also, don't forget, if you're interested in Positive Intelligence, I'll be sending out an email with a special code to get it for half off later this week. As always, thanks for reading. How to Have a Conversation with Someone Who Disagrees Photo: Scott Griessel/Creatista via AdobeStock Read on the...

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Hi Reader,It's amazing what gets passed on from generation to generation. This week's musing is about a Japanese phrase I learned from my mother. You'd be surprised what you'll discover when you start to examine your own family of origin. Also, stay tuned later this week for an exciting opportunity to learn how to be a non-anxious presence. Thanks for reading! Like Mother, Like Son I love my morning routine. It’s how I ground myself spiritually, exercise and get my most important work done....

Hi Reader,Happy Tuesday! This week's musing comes from a recent conversation I had with my wife. I asked her I could write about it, and she said go ahead. So here it is. Let me know what you think. Thanks for reading! I Don’t Want Any of Your Witchcraft Photo: CaptureLight/ Read on the Blog I recently gave a workshop on family systems theory and, as usual, people resonated with the concepts. At the end, one person asked me how my family members respond to all the work I do in...

Hi Reader,Good Tuesday to you. Our family is preparing for a funeral today, and it reminded me of the importance of life-cycle ceremonies. I dug up a post I wrote after our son was married six years ago. Whether happy or sad, these moments are important for relationship systems. The Importance of Life-Cycle Ceremonies Read on the Blog Our son’s wedding this week got me thinking about life-cycle ceremonies. Also known as rites of passage, these particular moments in the life of a family system...

Hi Reader,Happy Tuesday Non-Anxious One! I'm back with new musing about our recent family reunion, which didn't quite go as planned (do things ever?). Let me know what you think. A COVID Family Reunion-Part 2 Photo: Brian Horii Read on the Blog Two years ago, we resumed our bi-annual family reunion on my mother’s side of the family. There was a lot of anxiety at that time. COVID was still a thing, my mom was 99, and her two sisters were 97 and 95. I did a podcast episode about this and how...

Hi Reader,I hope this Tuesday finds you well. I was working on a post for today when I was called away for an important family matter. So, no musings, but I still have recommendations. I'll be back with more next week. Recommendations 7 Essential Requirements for All Good Leaders by Dan Reiland. These are all things a non-anxious leader does. To me, they are the essence of self-differentiation. 6 Essentials for Influencing People Who Don’t Want to Change or Commit by Matt Norman. Leadership...

Hi Reader,It's Tuesday again! This week's post takes a look at how self-differentiation can be a positive influence. Let me know what you think. Are You a Diminisher or a Multiplier? Photo: yayimages Read on the Blog I used to run a leadership program for high school youth at the camp I served. One time, an instructor was giving an example and made this statement, “You have a friend who when you spend an hour with them, they suck all the joy out of you.” One of the young women in the group...

Hi Reader,There's a lot to be anxious about these days. Procrastination makes it worse. Here's a post I wrote a few years ago at the beginning of the year. I'm a reformed procrastinator and I share some things that have helped me. Maybe it can help you do your most important work. Finally, if you've received this newsletter for a while, you know I often recommend articles by Kathleen Smith, who makes Bowen Family Systems Theory understandable. I had the privilege of interviewing her for my...

Hi Reader,Greetings non-anxious leader! This week's post is on the long side, but I think it's worth reading. I hope you do, too. Even if you skip it, don't forget to scroll down to this week's recommended articles. Thanks for reading! Three Motivation Concepts that Will Make You a Better Leader Photo: badmanproduction Read on the Blog Effective leaders recognize what motivates intrinsically. Intrinsic motivation comes from within. This is compared to extrinsic motivation which is driven by...